Friday, February 27, 2009


22.2.2009 (星期日)

今天是童军之父-Baden Power 的生日。我们称它为BP day! 身为童军的我们,我们一定要记得"日行一善"。而我们也要永远记得“一日为童军,终身为童军”。回想起加入童军团 (1992 - 1998),我们经历了许多酸甜苦辣的日子。我们一起考取王家童军文凭(King Scouts Certification), 参加1997年Asia Pacific Scouts Jamboree, 参加其它童军团的Gatherings等等。每次与朋友们一起聚会,我们一定会回忆起以往童军的活动及笑料,然后我们一起大笑。。。某某人被senior体罚及被人作弄。。。

以下的照片是从朋友的Facebook拿过来的,哈哈。。。你们能辨认出谁是我吗? Happy BP Day!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

丰富的晚餐 :)


这道菜也是HK的作品 - 日式炸大蘑菇及煎虎皮红灯笼椒。结果,当PWei进入厨房,她吓了一跳因为在一个小时里我们煮了四道菜肴。Yummy...yummy!!


昨天与HK出去购物时,我跟他说我们好久没有享受西式早餐了。结果今早起床后,HK准备了西式早餐给我,哈哈。。。我觉的蛮幸福!!虽然HK只用了短短半个小时准备好这个美味的早餐,我的心是非常的甜及开心。而且HK泡了一杯美味的Latte Machiatto给我。:)

享受完我的幸福早餐,我开始发奋图强-准备下个星期二的Oral Exam... Gambateh!!!

hihi。。。皮蛋咸蛋瘦肉粥 aka (三蛋粥)

Finally I can buy some 皮蛋and咸蛋in Asian Supermarket Hamburg even though they were so expensive. We wanted to buy it some few years ago but the Asia Shop´s boss told us that this kind of eggs is banned by the government here. At the end, I bought 4 皮蛋and 2 咸蛋 from Hamburg.

So today I woke up early and cooked my favourite porridge (三蛋粥) and put all the 皮蛋 and 咸蛋 I bought together with normal eggs, ginger and minced pork into it. Hmm.. yummy!

Saturday, February 21, 2009



抵达Oldenburg后,放下行李后,打开冰箱检查还剩下多少的食物,我走向医院去找HK。过后,我独自到Esprit拿回上两个星期我所买的西裤。当我等待售货小姐替我找回我的西裤,我就随便看一看新出的春装,我发觉这条围巾很不差及它的价钱是六块(原价是二十五块), 因此我决定买下它来宠一宠我自己。:)

过了不久,我便到超市买鸡肉,蔬菜及水果。。。想了好久,我不懂要煮什么,所以我准备了两道家常便菜 - 红酒木耳鸡肉及咸鱼芽菜。


我先炒香姜丝及蒜蓉,过后放鸡肉及木耳炒。过后,我倒了一小杯红酒及一小汤匙Black Label和半杯水下去,焖大约10分钟后,才放一点盐及糖调味道,就可以上桌了。


先煮熟咸鱼,过后放一点蒜蓉爆香,才放芽菜煮一会儿,不然芽菜就会变成太熟了,HK不喜欢吃太熟的芽菜。临上桌才放辣椒丝及葱做装饰品。呵呵。。。幸好邻居没有投诉我, 因为洋人不能忍受咸鱼所发出的味道。

Saturday, February 14, 2009



元宵节早上,我的身体开始发热及喉咙痛。不久伤风也找上了我,我唯有吃药丸。这段期间我非常着急,因为还有四张考试等着我。唉。。。真头疼!!我觉得非常开心因为HK拿了三天假期陪伴我及无微不至地照顾我。每天他负责我的三餐,好让我专心的温习功课。晚上,他也一起陪我复习德语听力,我俩一起听CD一起各自写自己的答案,然后我们一起讨论答案。如果我有不明白的答案,他也会耐心的解释答案给我听。除此之外,我也会时常在他的耳朵念出我所复习的摘要给他听。。。所以他时常说,他也可以念MBA了。哈哈。。。非常感谢你。。。我的男友!!!谢谢你一直以来的支持,拥护及照顾。。。Love you forever!!

昨晚他为我准备了今天的午餐和晚餐。他煲了一锅粥,煎了菜脯蛋及煮了豆豉鲮鱼放在冰箱,好让我今天能节省时间温习国际市场学。除此之外,他也买了两瓶Hohes C 的果汁给我补充维他命C。他真的非常的细心!!我觉得非常的幸福。。。:)


Happy Valentine's Day!! 情人节快乐!!



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kuih Lapis

We walked by an Indonesian shop plus restaurant during our weekend shopping here and was attracted by the Indonesian food. We decided to have lunch there. Forgot already what dishes we ordered but they were really delicious. Lots of spices and very flavoury. The guy even spoke to us in Malay " makan apa, minum apa?". We could only answered in simple words ... "itu, ini, pedas sikit..." very funny. It took really a while before the food was served. We could see the cook preparing the dishes one by one alone, no wonder it took such a long time. But it is worthed the time. Another German couple even complaint for waiting too long. After our meal, we walked in the shop and found kuih lapis cakemix. I wanted to make this for a long time but don't dare to since I know it is very difficult. By with this packet of readymix, I could definitely give it a try.

We baked the cake last Sunday. We were suprised that we need 10 eggs and 400g of butter for making this cake. No wonder it is called high calories cake. We just followed the instructions. We modified the recipes by seperating the batter into two portions. In one of the portions, we added coffee and Baileys into it. We layered the batter in turn.

As you see, we were too lazy and the layers got thicker and thicker. It is really not to easy to control the thickness of each layer and one needs plentiful of patience. The taste was really good though. We finished the whole cake almost in one day, We will definitely try this again when we have 'really much' time. We have now the expereince in controlling the baking time and the layering.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


9.1.2009 (星期一)

今天是正月十五,我们准备了烧肉,串烧虾(用香茅,蒜及Terriyaki酱来腌), 清蒸姜蒜蓉鲀鱼及冬菇椰菜庆祝元宵节。由于我今早开始发烧及伤风,所以PWei在厨房里忙了2,3个小时,而我就成了她的顾问。非常谢谢PWei, 为我俩准备美好的晚餐!!我们一边等HK放工回来,我俩各吃了两个蛋挞。因为HK要在八点半才可以放工。。。在此祝大家元宵节快乐!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Toys - Creative Sets

Hihi...finally I bought a creative set, glitter glues and 1 set of started pack for making cards from the "Idee" shop yesterday. Last 2 months, we found this shop and we hanged around there for few hours because there sell a lot of creative things, stationery for art student and art reference books. There have some small rooms for teaching painting, clipping and so on. There are some show rooms for displaying arts. I like this place very much.

After my final exam, I plan to make some cards for my friends and my dear during my holidays. Somemore I need to go to Fitness Studio more frequently to reduce my weight because we bought a new weight scales. This scales can measure body weight, % of body fat, % of total body water, muscle mass and bone weight. dear requested me to reduce 2-3kg because I ate too much during CNY. I miss the Fitness Studio very much!! Haha.... I will come during my winter holiday....

Egg Tarts

Yesterday we went out for shopping and we bought some heart shaped baking cups. This is one of my new toys. Actually I will bring it back to Oldenburg on this coming Thursday evening and plan to bake some muffins or egg tarts during weekend. But my dear was so free after submitting all his abstracts and decided to bake some egg tarts for our desserts today. Hihi...I found some egg tarts recipe from Jo`s Deli and Bakery blog. HK just added some fresh milk instead of evaporated milk. Hihi.... so delicious...they taste like portugese`s egg tarts. Next time I will sure put in some pandan juices into the filling. Haha.... HK will bring some of the tarts back to Oldenburg for PWei tomorrow morning.

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